viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011

Campaign against tour guides commissions starts in September

by the Colca Specialist

The secretary of the tour guides association ASGUIP TUCAY from Caylloma province,area where the Colca Canyon is located, announced today in the local radio stations from Arequipa that a campaign against the abusive commissions of tour guides from Arequipa will start the first day of September,after the festival of Arequipa.

Guillermo Rendón Cuadros announced at the same time that this campaign has a noble goal which is to reduce the commissions of tour guides from Arequipa, the same that are causing much damage to the imagen of tourism in Arequipa.

Corruption is one of the main problems of Peru and tourism is victim of this social problem too.

Susteinable tourism should be the main goal of tour operators from Arequipa but as it seems they don´t care about this situation.

The representative of ASGUIP TUCAY ,Guillermo Rendón Cuadros said that the members of this local tour guides association will not rest until the authorities of Arequipa put order to this situation that is affecting not only local businessmen but also tourists who are the ones that are paying extra not only in restaurants,but also in other services provided in Colca Canyon.

Tour guides commissions force the owners of restaurants and handicrafts stores to increase the prices of all services provided,affecting not only the local economy but the tourists budget too.

The tour guides are paid by travel agencies from Arequipa and by the restaurants through abusive commissions.

Tour guides associations from Arequipa were declared not welcome by ASGUIP TUCAY association because eventhough that they compromised themselves to put an end to this problem,their members continue with this bad attitude which is rejected by all the people of Colca Valley-Colca Canyon.

The Colca Specialist will join this campaign organized by ASGUIP TUCAY association and we congratulate this local guides association for having taken this decision that will benefit the local economy of the people of Colca canyon.

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