domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

The Foundation for Global Humanity was declared NOT WELCOME IN PERU


The secretary of the local tour guides from Colca Canyon ASGUIP TUCAY declared The Foundation for Global Humanity as not welcome in Perú . The Foundation for Global Humanity is lying to all American citizens with the inca show they are presenting in different places of United States.

Global Humanity Foundation is presenting a band of musicians from Puno whose dances, music and ceremonials are not the real stuff, lying in such a terrible way to all the American citizens who are attending to these “spiritual” exhibitions and shows. The goal of these shows is to obtain money donations.

The videos and articles published by this band on the internet are being investigated by the Peruvian authorities which is some days more they will inform the media about this situation.
The results of the investigation are going to be send to the American Embassy in Peru.The association will ask the American ambassador to investigate this situation and if possible to start a lawsuit against Global Humanity Association for cheating american citizens with the fake inca show they are presenting in several states of USA.

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