martes, 4 de enero de 2011

Naturaleza Activa´s Downhill Pichu-Pichu volcano

by the Colca Specialist

Naturaleza Activa

Downhill Pichu-Pichu Volcano

The best downhill mountainbiking in Arequipa.

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Because of its geography, Arequipa is one of the favorites destinies for mountainbikers. In other article I wrote about going downhill Colca Canyon but now I would like to write about mountainbiking in Arequipa. Arequipa has three impressive volcanoes that are the amusement park for arequipenian downhill mountainbikers.

In Arequipa there are three main downhill circuits and each one has the name of a volcano : Downhill Misti, Downhill Chachani and Downhill Pichu-Pichu. As you know there are many travel agencies in Arequipa who offer this kind of tours and their prices are cheap but the service is poor and the equipment quality is the same. So which one is the best? Checking different services with the help of the different guidebooks the best in the two-wheels business is Naturaleza Activa (

Born in a family of cyclists, Eduardo “The Boss” Sánchez is the owner of Naturaleza Activa a travel agency which is the pioneer in this kind of service and their clients confirm their preference.

Which is the secret of success of this company? Their passion for adventure , mountainbiking and professionalism. If you love adventure it´s difficult some times for you to find somebody who speaks and understands your language, but these guys do it. You are not just another gringo for them ,but a friend.

This way of thinking has lead them to success in this business. Another important component of their success are their mountainbiking guides: friendly, highly professional as tour guides and ex-downhill champions, experts not only in providing information but in having fun too. Another detail in their tours is the music.

They have more music than a deejay so you can listen the music you like in the trip instead of hearing the same boring tracks of peruvian music which are played in all the restaurants and gringo places you visit. Imagine listening Jimi Hendrix,The Doors, James Brown or your favorite music at 4,300 meteres above sea level watching nature in all its expression.

The prices are reasonable and the circuit which is the favorite of most of the tourists is Downhill Pichu-Pichu because the views are very impressive. In the first part, you can see the craters of Pichu-Pichu volcano surrounded by the andean landscape,covered with ichu grass and other plants adpated to high altitudes.

Then after some minutes you will arrived to a nice valley crowded of terraces of the inca period where the locals still cultivate broad beans, potatoes, lucerne among other traditional plants. At the end, you will see the desertic area close to the volcanoes, an area that because of volcanic eruptions , the fall of ashes and the lack of water, turned it into a desert ,forcing the incas to leave this place abandoned.

Downhill Chachani is a good option. You can go very high with the van and you can descend very fast but the problem is garbage and dogs on the way. The terrible smell of garbage and the presence of mosquitos and flies, make this place unpleasant. Dogs are another problem too. So that is why Downhill Pichu-Pichu is the best for the nature lovers.

Safety is another aspect which is important for Naturaleza Activa. All their tours are in areas far from Arequipa. Why? Because of the intense traffic and the erratic way of driving characteristic of peruvian drivers.

Mountainbiking in the downtown area of Arequipa is a risk, because there are no specific paths for cyclists like in Europe and of course there is no respect for the cyclists. Another reason is contamination. Arequipa is crowded of taxis and vans whose main combustible is petrol so if you are behind several cars exhaling the contaminating and toxic gases your nice mountainbiking experience will have a disgusting smelly end. Not recommended at all! I hope you enjoy the pictures and if you are interested in any article please write us to and gladly we will answer all your questions. Thank you very much for your attention. Kodak Time my friends!

This a nice shot of Ubinas volcano here in Arequipa!

This a view of the backpart of Pichu Pichu volcano.The water mirror belongs to Salinas Lake in Arequipa.

The 4x4 wheel drive van of Naturaleza Activa:perfect for the trails of the area.

Rock and Roll girls ready for going downhill Pichu-Pichu.

Naturaleza Activa Tours are designed to have fun!

Naturaleza Activa is recommended by Lonely Planet´s guide book for one reason: Quality,safety and fun!

The views of the terraces are one of the main attractions of this circuit which is considered the best in all Arequipa.

Here in the countryside of Arequipa you will breath PURE AIR ! Pollution is the main problem in Arequipa so the best way to stay away from noisy groups and far enough from the smog of the city Downhill Pichu-Pichu is the best option.

If you are looking for something different Naturaleza Activa is the right option for you!

The Downhill Pichu-Pichu circuit was designed for having fun all the time!

After the adventure we go back to Arequipa againg to celebrate with some cold beers!

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