jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

About the Reality Tour in Arequipa

by the Colca Specialist

Besides from the classical city and countryside tours in Arequipa which I named “C&C Tours” (Churches and convents tours),there is another option to be considered and this time I would write about The Reality tour in Arequipa.

The Reality Tour was introduced in Arequipa by Miguel Angel Fernandez Cayetano a former tour guide in Arequipa with more than 12 years of experience in this field of tourism.

With a vast knowledge about sociology and much creativity, Miguel decided to create a new option for those visitors interested in having a wider panorama of the actual political, cultural and economical situation of Peru.

Married with a dutch teacher and tour leader Saskia Teggels, the couple is involved in social work, tourism and education projects in Arequipa.
Miguel Fernandez is the manager of his own travel agency which is called A.I TRAVEL located in Arequipa in Santa Catalina Street 203.

The difference between the C&C Tours and the Reality Tour is that in the reality tour the visitor will have the opportunity of learning more about literally everything. Peru is a very interesting country with many different ethnic groups, languages, etc and the process it had to be what is right now it ´s very interesting.

The other tours are just tours out of the reality because tour guides and travel agencies have created a circuit which is really centered in historical data which would be interesting if it would be complemented with other cultural themes. Not everything is history. The quality of the information provided in the tours is really poor. Compared with the info provided by a lonely planet guidebook is really poor.

Besides, the tour vans take you to touristic places prepared for those that are interested in shopping or having fun, those tours are very touristic and not worth to be taken.
Tourists spend much time inside stores in these kind of tours. Good for shoppers only!

The Reality tour is the option for those that want to have something different not just prepared just for tourists.

The Reality Tour is offered only by A.I TRAVEL travel agency. Compared with others in the market the tour is cheap. Reality tours offered by other travel agencies are very expensive and the information provide is low quality. A tour done with somebody specialized in sociology and another done with a tour guide is totally different! Which one would you prefer?

I recommend to book for this tour directly in A.I TRAVEL through its website or directly in the travel agency.http://www.aitraveltours.com/
Intermediaries, informality and commissions are a problem in Peru so in order to avoid surprises, extra fees and others, buy it directly at the travel agency and not in the hotels.
Don´t hesitate in taking this tour that is recommended by several foreign guidebooks and enjoy the experience! Good luck my friends and enjoy Peru.

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