lunes, 23 de abril de 2012


The best adventure sports festival of all the south of Peru is going to be in Espinar province in Cusco!

by the Colca Specialist

Tres cañones (Three canyons),a beautiful natural marvel located in Suykutambo district in the cuzquenian province of Espinar, Cusco will be this 27 and 28 of April the scenery where all the most recognized xtreme sportsmen from all the country will meet in a festival which is going to be historical.

The difference with the past festivals (whose lack of importance and trascendence was notorious) is that for this year the organizers who belong to the proyect called Mintur E of the Municipality of Espinar province decided to break all the established schemes and they put a strong emphasis in QUALITY and not in QUANTITY with the purpose of improving not only the festival but also the extreme sports exhibitions and the marketing of the event.

Because of these reasons,this festival before being done has received several congratulations from the different media and it was already qualified as “the best sports extreme sports festival in all the south of Peru”,”event of the year 2012” and all thanks to the organizers who decided to re-structure the festival which comes back this time to the scene but this time with the best extreme sportmen from Peru.

Now that the house is clean there is no place for the improvised sportsmen but just for the headliners.

In this festival there is going to be several adventure sports exhibitions. Such as Cross country and downhill mountainbiking, rock climbing,rappeling,zip lining,kayaking among other alternative activities such as hiking and horse riding to the different touristic attractions of Espinar-Cusco.

The most important activity which is going to make the difference in this festival is going to be THE FIRST WORLDS HIGHEST RIVER RAFTING COMPETITION which will take place in Apurimac river. The distance to be covered is going to be 8km aprox and the river¨s altitude: is 4014 meters above sea level.(13,169 feet).

The favorite teams in this competition are the locals from Cusco and those from Arequipa.We know that the rivalty between this guys will be enough to make them fight ´til death for a place in the podium. The purpose of this competition is of course very obvious to break a Guinness world record for Espinar-Cusco.

The arequipenian dream team is integrated by 17 ranked sportmen in the different specialities of xtreme adventure sports.

The four “aces” of the arequipenian team are Arcadio Mamani Viza, recognized mountainclimbing instructor from Arequipa and ex member of the expeditions done by National Geographic and Discovery Channel.

Juan Justinien Mamani Becerra,son of Arcadio Mamani. Juan is a trekking guide from CEAM and one of the best rock climbers in all Arequipa.(Arcadio and Juan see picture below).

Gustavo Francisco Rondón Alvarez. Member of the team Expediciones y Aventuras. Gustavo is a lover of Kayaking and River Rafting. Gustavo is a very experienced Rafter and kayaker from Arequipa who is going to be showing his skills in Apurimac river.

The other ace in this full hand of winners is going to be recordman Guillermo “Kamikaze Nitro”Rendón Cuadros famous because of its feats in mountainbiking and in other xtreme sports.

Guillermo Rendón is coming back to the River Rafting World after his participation in the PERUVIAN RIVER RAFTING EXPEDITION DISCOVERY which was done in the upper part of Colca Valley in Condoroma area which was considered as one of the worlds highest river rafting expeditions.That expedition was organized by Maurilio and Paul Zuñiga, which belong to the most famous family of river rafters in Arequipa: Zuñiga-Cuba family.

Condecorated by different authorities and goverment institutions Guillermo who was recently declared as “The proud of Arequipa” and “Adoptive son of Caylloma province”comes back again but this time as member of his own river rafting team : THE RIVER RATS.

As part of the event of the year there will be musical shows and of course the unmissing traditional gastronomy contest!

The big party is going to be in Tres Cañones Cusco and all of you are invited to participate in the event of the year!

Espinar is awaiting for you!

The Colca Specialist

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