lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

The worst tour guides are from Colonial Tours

Tourists complain against Colonial Tours from Arequipa

by the Colca Specialist

I was reading Trip Advisor just few minutes ago and I saw this comments which I consider very useful so I decided to republish them here.

What is happening with travel agencies in Arequipa? It seems that they just care about filling their vans and buses with lots of tourists! What about the service? What about the clients?

It seems to me that these guys from Colonial Tours they just care about making money and not about the tourists.

Tourists are clients. Without them Colonial Tours is nothing.

Tourist are human beings not walking US DOLLARS notes.They are not walking credit cards my friends so it would be better if you recognize that your service is not good.

If you want to continue in this businness better think it twice because if you continue working the same way you will end on the street.

If you have problems with the tour guides is because you are cheap and stingy. Colonial Tours don´t have good tour guides because they are exploited and not well paid. That´s the main problem in Arequipa. Travel agencies don´t work with professional tour guides but with youngsters who need to work.Exploitation is everywhere in Southamerica. Peru in not the exception. Corruption is another disease that affects tourism in Arequipa too.

How good can be a 23 year old tour guide who has NO EXPERIENCE?

How good can be a 23 year old tour guide who is thinking about making a 10 soles commission per passenger?

How good can be a tour guide who is NOT FROM THE AREA who just know local discoteques and touristic restaurants?

To be a tourist doesn´t mean to be stupid!

As tourists we need to be sustainable too. We should NOT travel with companies that are just exploiting their workers!

Besides the voice of tourists should be heard too. Clients in the past they complained and their voices were never heard but thanks to internet the voice of the clients can be heard very loud all around the world. The compalints are a good oportunity to see what is wrong with our service in order to improve it. The decision is in your hands.

I recommend all foreign visitors to read this blog and if you like you can download the information about the Colca Valley and the Colca Canyon which is very useful for those tourists who are seeking for the local culture. Thank you very much for your attention and don´t forget that this virtual magazine is dedicated to all my tourists around the world.

The Colca Specialist

Complaint against Colonial Tours (taken from Trip Advisor)

We booked our 2-day trip to Colca Canyon Through our hotel and the company They Used WAS Colonial Tours. The canyon itself is well worth seeing but I am sure the experience could have been a lot better with a more professional company.

The canyon is well worth seeing Itself But I am sure the experience Could Have Been a Lot Better With A more professional company.

Right from the start it was clear that our guide wasn't going to speak much English, although the tour was supposed to be both in Spanish and English. Right from the start it WAS clear That Was not going to guide our much speak Español, although the tour WAS supposed to be in Spanish and Español Both.

Luckily we understood some Spanish but I have to say that even then his commentaries and instructions weren't that clear. Some Spanish luckily we Understood But I Have to Say That Even historical commentaries and instructions Then That Were not clear.

All the way through the trip, he failed to tell us at each stop where we were; how long we were stopping for; what was worth seeing in the place; etc. All the way Through the trip, I failed to tell us at Where We Were Each stop, how long stopping for We Were, What Was worth seeing in the place, and so on.

Basically there was a complete lack of communication. Basically There Was a complete LACK of communication. During the 2 days, we learned hardly anything about the area. During The 2 days, Hardly anything we Learned About the area. He only bothered to say something if someone asked a question and even then the question wasn't repeated and the answer very vague.

I only bothered to say something if someone Asked a question and Even Then the question and the answer wasn'ta Repeated very vague. We approached the guide and told him that we felt completely ignored and weren't very happy about the tour.

We approach the guide and Told him Completely Ignored Felt That We Were not very happy and About the tour. This made no difference. This made no difference. Colca Canyon was an amazing place and I would definitely return to the area. Colca Canyon Was an amazing place and I would definitely return to the area. However, I will never use Colonial Tours again! Howeve, I will never use Colonial Tours again! Esta crítica es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de TripAdvisor, no de TripAdvisor LLC.

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