jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008

Information about tours




The three days and two nights "Colca Classic" tour starts from Arequipa on the first day towards Chivay through Yura, passing impressive volcanoes and scenery. After an initial climb we arrive at Pampa Arrieros and then Pampa Cañahuas, within the Salinas and Aguada Blanca Nature Reserve. This area is ideal for short stops to watch vicuñas, alpacas and other fauna and flora. After the police control at Chasquipampa and taking a turn to the right, we can enter Sumbay and visit the cave paintings. Later we come to a fork in the road: the right leads to Cuzco and indirectly to Chivay and the left heads straight towards Chivay. We head briefly towards Cuzco to see the origins of the river Colca and to stop at the cave paintings at Mollepunku. Continuing the road there is a new fork and this time we take the left turn to enter the Colca. On route we visit Callali (church and rock formations) and Sibayo (church, handicrafts and surroundings). The arrival at Chivay, after a five-hour journey, marks the end of the day for a better adaptation to the altitude. The spring baths at Chivay are three kilometres from the town.
The second day can start with a visit to Chivay and the surrounding area, including the archaeological remains of Uskallacta. After that we recommend travelling to Coporaque to admire the churches and squares. From Coporaque, it takes an easy three hour walk to get to the village of Yanque. This walk takes you past the archaeological remains of San Antonio, the spectacular Yurac Ccacca terraces, the Occolle outlook point and the hanging tombs of Chininea. After lunch at Yanque, the rest of the afternoon is taken up with visiting the beautiful church, the Choquehuanca Inca house, the Cervantes colonial bridge and the spring baths. It is best to sleep the night at Yanque or Achoma. There are various places which offer accommodation.
The third day starts early in order to observe the flight of the condors from the Cruz del Condor outlook point. This place offers a good view of how the river starts to narrow (1,200 metres below) in order to reach a maximum depth of 3,400 metres much further on. From the Cross onwards you can enjoy an interesting journey observing the flora and fauna of the area. On the way back to Chivay you can stop at places you did not visit on the way there. Lunch is usually eaten at Chivay before returning to Arequipa. The last part of the journey holds a surprise: the Patapampa outlook point which is the highest viewing point in the Colca at 4,800 metres above sea level, where you can admire the volcanic mountain range.




The four days and three nights "Colca Classic" tour starts from Arequipa on the first day towards Chivay through Yura, passing impressive volcanoes and scenery. After an initial climb we arrive at Pampa Arrieros and then Pampa Cañahuas, within the Salinas and Aguada Blanca Nature Reserve. This area is ideal for short stops to watch vicuñas, alpacas and other fauna and flora. After the police control at Chasquipampa and taking a turn to the right, we can enter Sumbay and visit the cave paintings. Later we come to a fork in the road: the right leads to Cuzco and indirectly to Chivay and the left heads straight towards Chivay. We head briefly towards Cuzco to see the origins of the river Colca and to stop at the cave paintings at Mollepunku. Continuing the road there is a new fork and this time we take the left turn to enter the Colca. On route we visit Callali (church and rock formations) and Sibayo (church, handicrafts and surroundings). The arrival at Chivay, after a five-hour journey, marks the end of the day for a better adaptation to the altitude. The spring baths at Chivay are three kilometres from the town.
The second day can start with a visit to Chivay and the surrounding area, including the archaeological remains of Uskallacta. After that we recommend travelling to Coporaque to admire the churches and squares. From Coporaque, it takes an easy three-hour walk to get to the village of Yanque. This walk takes you past the archaeological remains of San Antonio, the spectacular Yurac Ccacca terraces, the Occolle outlook point and the hanging tombs of Chininea. After lunch at Yanque, the rest of the afternoon is taken up with visiting the beautiful church, the Choquehuanca Inca house, the Cervantes colonial bridge and the spring baths. It is best to sleep the night at Yanque or Achoma. There are various places which offer accommodation.
The morning of the third day includes a visit to Lari with its spectacular church and also a two-hour walk to the village of Madrigal, passing by lakes Hañachigua and Lekempa. Madrigal is a good place to have lunch. After a short visit to the church, we set off for Ichupampa where you can admire surprising colonial doorways. From there you take the road to Cabanaconde where you sleep the night. During this journey tourists usually stop at the various viewpoints and at a place where cheese is made.
The fourth day starts early in order to observe the flight of the condors from the Cruz del Condor outlook point. This place offers a good view of how the river starts to narrow (1,200 metres below) in order to reach a maximum depth of 3,400 metres much further on. From the Cross onwards you can enjoy an interesting journey observing the flora and fauna of the area. On the way back to Chivay you can stop at places you did not visit on the way there. Lunch is usually eaten at Chivay before returning to Arequipa. The last part of the journey holds a surprise: the Patapampa outlook point which is the highest viewing point in the Colca at 4,800 metres above sea level, where you can admire the volcanic mountain range.




Landscape, nature, physical-recreational.


Instead of returning to Arequipa on the last day of the "Colca Classic" tour, you may sleep the night at Chivay, Yanque or Achoma. The next day we set off for Cabanaconde and turn off a little after the village of Pinchollo, towards the Hatun Infiernillo geyser along a road only for four wheel drive vehicles. The walk from where you leave the car to the geyser takes around 30 minutes. This activity lasts two hours in total and it is not very strenuous. The route is not steep until the last two hundred metres. The difficulty lies in the altitude of the road (4,500 metres above sea level). This whole activity lasts two hours. Effort level: Easy


Instead of returning to Arequipa on the last day of the "Colca Classic" tour, we sleep in Cabanaconde and set off the next day on a three days and two nights tour which takes us to San Juan de Chuccho, Tapay, Corñihua and Malata, based at Sangalle, a unique ecosystem in the valley and the canyon, forming an oasis of riverside vegetation in a warm, subtropical climate with abundant vegetation, fruit trees and a beautiful landscape. This route begins at Cabanaconde (at 3,250 metres above sea level) and descends to 2,200 metres above sea level in the oasis. This impressive difference of 1000 metres takes us through the heart of the Colca and its variety of ecological levels, microclimates and natural diversity. Effort level: Moderate-Demanding


Instead of returning to Arequipa on the last day of the "Colca Classic" tour, we sleep at Cabanaconde and set out the next day for Sangalle, the Colca oasis. This option is different from the previous tour in that we head straight for our destination and we aim to enjoy a pleasant climate, fruit and a few days rest and relaxation surrounded by nature with a unique view of the Colca canyon. The tour lasts two days and one night camping at the oasis which provides a camping area, toilets and a swimming pool. Effort level: Moderate-Demanding


Instead of returning to Arequipa on the last day of the "Colca Classic" tour, we sleep at Cabanaconde and set off the following day on a three day and two night tour to the most spectacular waterfall in the Colca, Huaruro. The route leads through the oasis, the village of Paclla, until it reaches the waterfall. During the walk you can see a great variety of ecological levels, landscape, climates and the walk varies in difficulty (from very easy to moderate and strenuous). Without a doubt, this is one of the most complete walks in the Colca. It is a strenuous and demanding tour. Effort level: Demanding




Nature, ecology, physical-recreational, rural
The "Natural Colca" starts from Arequipa on the first day towards Chivay through Yura, passing impressive volcanoes and scenery. After an initial climb we arrive at Pampa Arrieros and then Pampa Cañahuas, within the Salinas and Aguada Blanca Nature Reserve. This area is ideal for short stops which enable us to observe the ecosystem of the arid, high plateau with vicuñas, alpacas and other fauna and flora. After the police control at Chasquipampa and taking a turn to the right, we can enter Sumbay and visit the cave paintings. Later we come to a fork in the road: the right leads to Cuzco and indirectly to Chivay and the left heads straight towards Chivay. We head briefly towards Cuzco to see the origins of the river Colca and to stop at the cave paintings at Mollepunku. Continuing the road there is a new fork and this time we take the left turn to enter the Colca. On route we visit Callali (rock formations) and Sibayo. The arrival at Chivay, after a five-hour journey, marks the end of the day for a better adaptation to the altitude. The spring baths at Chivay are three kilometres from the town.
The second day starts early in order to observe the flight of the condors from the Cruz del Condor outlook point. This place offers a good view of how the river starts to narrow (1,200 metres below) in order to reach a maximum depth of 3,400 metres much further on. From the Cross onwards you can enjoy an interesting journey observing the flora and fauna of the area. On the way back to Chivay we stop and explain the landscape and the ecosystems at Tapay, Antahuilque, Choquetico and Achumani. Then we visit the centre at the Achoma hotel and have lunch. In the afternoon, we walk to the river bed to see the Colca river ecosystem. It is best to sleep at Yanque or Achoma. There are several places which offer accommodation.
On the third day we set off for Cabanaconde and turn off a little after the village of Pinchollo, towards the Hatun Infiernillo geyser along a road only for four wheel drive vehicles. The walk from where you leave the car to the geyser takes around 30 minutes. After this tour, we return to Chivay to visit the village of Maca and the geological fault which runs through it and to visit a place where cheese and dairy products are made. We have lunch at Chivay and then return to Arequipa. The last part of the journey holds a surprise: the Patapampa outlook point which is the highest viewing point in the Colca at 4,800 metres above sea level, where you can admire the volcanic mountain range.
Optional: At the end of the second day, instead of staying the night at Acho, or Yanque, you can spend the night at Cabanaconde and take any of the optional tours as options for the "Colca Classic" Route.

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